
Monday, November 25, 2019

Principal's Wananga

After returning from the Principals Wananga, this is what I found on my whiteboard. I am so blessed to have super tamariki who knew I was nervous and that wanted to celebrate my success with me.

Here is a link to a recording of my presentation (which I recorded after the Wananga). It is a snapshot of my problem, my proposal and of course what I came up with in regards to my tool.
It is not, nor will it ever be a completed tool. It has the capacity to grow and that is my plan heading into 2020. I am looking forward to incorporating more EOTC experiences, alongside the new stories and activities. I am moving towards continually shaping and developing my tool so that it can be used wider than just the four walls of my classroom. 

For other teachers to contribute and add to what I have started, would be a real humbling experience and would allow for true collaboration to take place. Collaboration between kaiako, kura and clusters throughout NZ, for the benefit of our tamariki.

I have to thank this incredible bunch of teachers who have supported, challenged and worked with me along this process of inquiry. Their support has been integral throughout this year. Thank you to my fellow MIT's for 2019! 
And to our wonderful leaders and supporters, who have enabled us to be on this journey of Learn, Create, Share. Dorothy Burt, Anne Sinclair, Jenny Oxley and Justine Todd- your wisdom and passion for Manaiakalani and all that it encompasses is awe inspiring. I have grown both personally and professionally because of this process. It has also emphasised for me, something that I have always believed.

He aha te mea nui o te ao. He tāngata, he tāngata, he tāngata
What is the most important thing in the world? 
It is people, it is people, it is people.
Here is a link to my Storytelling Site. Please do contact me if you would like to discuss anything related to this site. My email is:

Nga mihi nui,