
Monday, September 6, 2021

Fri-Yay- time for fun drawing time at our Syndicate Google Meet!

  FriYAY was a lesson on... draw to learn about the Māori Octopus with Anton the Whale Man.

Interesting facts about the Māori Octopus include:

  1. They are often found on shellfish beds where they have lots of homes.
  2. The pupil is shaped like a semi-circle.
  3. They belong to cephalopods (heads with legs).
  4. Their head is a big, bulgy pouch called the mantle.
  5. They have a syphon (funnel) which is a tube to help pump water around.
  6. They have 8 arms (pods meaning arms/legs).
  7. They have webbing in between each arm.
  8. They have 3 hearts.
  9. They have suckers on all their arms, 2 rows of suckers on each arm, small teeth around the top of each sucker.
  10. Their mouth is like a parrot's beak.
  11. They are the brightest (smartest) of the invertebrates.
  12. They change colour when they dream.
  13. The species name is Macroctopus Maorum.

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Lockdown Challenge- Create a Face using Household Objects


Miss Ribotton came up with this Challenge for the students to do over lockdown. I can't wait to see what the children come up with! I created a slideshow with the task so that children can collaboratively add to this slide and we can see instant results.

Monday, August 23, 2021

How to insert a picture into blogger comment....

I remember in the DFI that we were given a link to be able to comment on someone's blog and leave a link in the actual comment. This comes in handy when we are teaching remotely and want to give out awhi for quality blog posts! 
At Belfast School our school-wide reward system is using awhi. So if you want to know what to do, read ahead..... 

 All you simply do is: 
Copy this into the comment    <a href="insert URL here">Insert display text here</a>
and then replace the part, insert URL here with the URL of whatever you are trying to link in. Be it an image, doc, or whatever.

Give it a try and see if you can add something to my blog post below!

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

What are you? Poem

 Our class has been looking at a Poem called 'What are you?' We examined the poem and looked at the language features that it had that made it stand out. Things such as alliteration, similes, metaphors and juxtapositions. For those who don't know what a juxtaposition is, it is where two things are placed together with contrasting effect. For example- 'silent scream' or 'soft concrete'.

Here is the Powtoon that I created using the 'What are you?' poem format.