Monday, October 19, 2020
Surf to Turf Belfast
Wednesday, October 14, 2020
Google Certified Educator- Level One
Super excited that I was able to achieve my Google Certified Educator, Level One. It's great as now I can join my Syndicate Team with the Certification. Thanks to Manaiakalani for supporting us with the DFI and also giving us the skills required to be able to sit this exam.
Friday, September 18, 2020
Google Certified Educator Exam and DFI Day 9
Today for me was all about sitting the Google Certified Educator Exam and hopefully joining my colleagues in the Year 7/8 team at my school with this achievement.
If you would like to know more about becoming a Google Certified Educator, check out this link here.
I must say that some of the parts on the exam I flew through and there were a couple of questions where I did have a wee bit of a panic. I marked them for review and then at the end was able to go back and complete them. I think it was more of a panic around running out of time that made me feel like I couldn't answer the question, opposed to not being able to answer it.
Being on the online DFI has been an amazing experience for me for a number of reasons:
* I was able to connect with a wider range of facilitators and gain useful learning and expertise from each of them
* I was able to connect with other teachers and see what they are doing in their classrooms and with their learners
* I have further developed my toolkit with useful tools, tips and smarter ways of doing things
* I have the rewindable learning material that was shared on the agenda's, that I can go back to at any stage and revise what was taught, and reflect and adapt my practice
Where to next?
For me I want to continue to share the things I have learnt with staff and students at my school and in my interactions with others. I want to look further into becoming a Hapara Champion Educator and to look at other opportunities where I can lead and develop as an educator and a person.
Thank you to Manaiakalani for the support you have provided over the course of the nine week DFI and a special thank you to Venessa who has been so amazing to work with. You have been supportive, knowledgeable and an empathetic ear and it has been fantastic. Thank you!
Friday, September 11, 2020
Code, Computational Thinking and Micro bits- DFI Day 8
Great day exploring and learning and grateful to be able to have this time to have a play and learn. So many applications for the classroom and for my code club back at school. Thanks Manaiakalani.
Today was a great opportunity to be able to have a play around with Code. I was able to give a Minecraft code project a go through Hour of Code. What a fantastic and easy way to teach the students code. Great step by step instructions to guide you in bite sized steps. You are able to follow the steps and then problem solve to figure out where your code is taking you wrong.
Here is the link to my Mine craft Code project that I tried first in Hour to Code. I even got a nice wee personalised Certificate as evidence of my work.
I also had my first wee look at the Microbit. Very exciting that you can utilise Scratch and this site to help you to create your own projects. I am very excited by this and will definitely be looking into this further. Here is the microbit project that I created with the simple heads / tails coin flick.
Children will see flashing images and some sounds, before they are needing to have made their heads or tails decision. Heads being the skull and tails being the umbrella. Have a play and see what you think. Push 'A' to make it start.
But for now it is time to revise and sign up to do the Google Exam..... wish me luck!
Friday, September 4, 2020
Explain Everything- DFI Day 7
I am not totally sure where the last seven weeks have gone but am definitely buzzing with possibilities after today! It is fantastic that you can access Explain Everything without having a subscription, however it does have some limitations. This is definitely something that would be amazing for the school to have.
Today we took a look at being Cybersmart and what that means for our learners, whanau and teachers. I took one of the ten Manaiakalani Cybersmart categories and created this Explain Everything, focussing on 'Smart Parents'. I created this task so that learners could teach their Whanau how to access their blog and also be able to provide Positive, Thoughtful, Helpful feedback.
As I didn't have Explain Everything, I was unable to insert links, so some of the boxes look a little bit untidy......but you can get the idea.
Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Taking my learning into the classroom
My class have been learning about Statistics for Maths, so I taught them how to use Google Sheets and how you can create graphs using this data. Prior to doing this activity with the children, only one child had ever used Google Sheets.
I replicated what I did in the Digital Fluency Intensive with my class and they have created some pleasing blog post analysis'. It was interesting getting them to think about the why. Why is it that you did lots of blog posts here, but didn't there? What is your average number of blog posts last year, compared to this year? What do you think your next steps are? Why?
As you can see they did a pretty good job.
Friday, August 28, 2020
What's in a Site? DFI- Day 6
The greatest learning I think that we can have as educators, is to learn from one another. Whether that be by looking at something someone has created, watching a video (tutorial), talking in person, or reading instructions. The list can go on.....
Today was really beneficial to me as I was able to look at a range of different Learning Sites to see what was visually appealing and also to see what works functionally.
After looking at our Collaborative Site, it was clear to me that I would need to work on a few things:
1) I needed to make all of my content visible. There were a few things that others were not able to see as I hadn't set those visibility settings right back at the Google Drive level.
2) I learnt that you could put a twitter feed up on your site, so have done this so that the children will be able to see things that are happening in the Te Ara Tuhura Cluster (in live time).
3) I set up Google Analytics, so now I need to go and look at how I can put this onto my Site / Blog as well.
4) I wanted to create some buttons for our Site to make it a little more appealing to the students as well.
How blessed are we to have this time to have a look at these things and to be able to put some things into action!
DFI Day 6
Friday, August 21, 2020
Collaborate with Sites- DFI Day 5
It is always interesting being in the 'student chair' and experiencing what our learners experience in our classrooms. The task alone of finding resources and texts that we could use on our Multi-Modal Site, led me on a warren of discovery. I found myself getting distracted and going off on a number of different tangents. I found myself being pulled in a number of different directions and couldn't decide where I wanted to go with my Site.
This highlighted for me the planning part that is so very important, when designing learning tasks for our students. Having a broad topic such as 'Lest We Forget' was great, but I needed to narrow down where I wanted to go and what reading skills I specifically wanted to teach through this unit of work.
But as we know there is more than one path to get to the destination and the learning that took place along the way was beneficial.
So here is my Multi-Modal Site that I created. I definitely need to go back and adapt/ add to this, but for the purpose of being able to create a site easily and for having a go at finding texts that appeal and engage both behaviorally and cognitively, I think I am on track.
The texts selected have all the elements of having a main text, scaffolding text, complementary text and of course a challenging text. In relation to UDL, there needs to be more work put into this site, but this is a start.
DFI Day 5 was full of learning again and some of the things that I will take away from today are:
* I need to have a go at the DFI Google Sites Challenge, so that I am prepared for the Google Exam.
* When creating a Learning Site, it's important to limit the links.
* Hapara has a Parent Portal! Wow, I need to look into this more as I feel this would be a game changer for some of our families.
* I learnt that in Teacher Dashboard, under the 'sharing' tab, that if there is work in this folder, then the children have not put this work into a Google Drive Folder. This is something I need to chase up on Monday!
* I was able to look at buttons and how I can use Google Drawing to create interesting buttons on my Site.
I am feeling so blessed at the moment to be able to be part of the DFI and to be learning alongside others who too, are wanting to provide the very best learning opportunities for their students. But for now, my head hurts from thinking, so I must sign off.
I would love to see any other Multi Modal Reading Sites that others have created. Please feel free to share below in the comment section.
Nga mihi nui, Amber
Friday, August 14, 2020
Blog Post Frequency Analysis- DFI Day 4
DFI Day 4- Dealing with Data
Friday, August 7, 2020
My Town....Maths for Real! (DFI Day 3)
Friday, July 31, 2020
Video Feedback on Blogpost- DFI Day 2
Create Task
Today's 'Create task' involved delving into a student's blog post and discussing what the teaching design was behind the post. We also needed to discuss what the learner's response was to the task and also to look at who commented on the blog post and how this contributed to the learning experience.
Here is my korero with Alicia Langton from Tamaki Primary School, about Lily's blog post (from Grey Main School.
Please jump on and comment on Lily's blog post as she has done a wonderful job! You can find her blog post
DFI Day 2
Friday, July 24, 2020
Digital Fluency Guru.......I think not!
Digital Fluency Intensive- Day One
In the beginning of our School Manaiakalani Journey, teachers would look to me for support and help to do things smarter, faster and more effectively (as I was one of the first teachers to have an in class Manaiakalani Facilitator working with me at my Kura).
Everything prior to that point was learnt by 'Googling' what to do, or self taught. I was very blessed to work with Mark Maddren who taught me so much, however I definitely had the glaze over look (often) when I wasn't sure how to do something. Time was limited and the focus was mainly at the children's level. I was often going home to search 'the net' so that I could find out more.
Today's DFI session has confirmed to me the journey that we are on with Manaiakalani. How very lucky we are to be a part of Manaiakalani, especially with the support we receive as teaching professionals and also for our students, whanau and communities.
The Manaiakalani kaupapa is successful because of the vision, the people, networking, research and resourcing. But not only this, it's effective classroom practice.
So what did I learn today that will support my confidence, capability and workflow as a professional?
Friday, June 26, 2020
Critical Literacy
Monday, June 1, 2020
Covid-19, Our bubbles
Monday, May 4, 2020
Belfast School Lockdown Dance #2
Just a wee something to keep spirits high and to bring Staff together when we can't physically be!
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Lock down and Remote Learning
Relationships: We all know how important relationships are and this once again has come to the forefront during this period of home lock down. I miss the children in my class and being able to connect with them in real life. To share discussions with them about their days and learning. I miss watching the children have that 'a-ha' moment and sharing their personalities and passions during class.
I was super excited to connect with the children again on our first Google Meet, sharing stories and happenings after the first couple of weeks holiday and lock down. To share what life has been like in our new circumstances. The children were excited too as most of the class were online and ready to catch up. The Year 7-8 senior teachers made the decision to meet daily with their classes and I have very much enjoyed this time of connecting, celebrating and sharing. The turn out for class meets have remained steady and it has been pleasing to see just how many are logging on and engaging.
Those that have not been able to get on to connect had difficulties with accessing devices- which was pretty quickly resolved, with some school devices being sent out to families in need. Competition in certain activities have definitely engaged and encouraged the children to participate and do more.
Mumming: (Yes I know that is not a real word) Being a Mum to my daughter as well as my partners two children also adds in another dynamic. Three kids aged 9, 8 and 7 years. Being responsible for their care as well as their learning has added in some challenges and also benefits. My daughter (aged 8 years) is very engaged in learning and has always been inquisitive and independent from since when she could be. She has a natural willingness to learn more, know more and do more. She has excelled in being able to access her learning via See Saw and completes tasks independently of me being in the room. She has definitely benefited from me signing her up to the Summer Learning Journey over the Summer, as this highlighted how little she was able to use ICT to learn, create and share. We spent a lot of time over summer learning how to use her blog, create slideshows, do screencastify, etc and I am very happy that I invested this time now!
The 9 year old boy is less interested in learning and is inundated in tasks from his school to complete and I can see him disengaging with every task that comes our way (as am I). I wish I could throw away what they are doing and do what I want to do with him, as then I feel we could engage him more. This has highlighted for me that the expectations that teachers have on the children need to be manageable, and that less is more. It also shows that learning needs to be relevant and meaningful, otherwise it becomes a chore! He is the guru at getting distracted and I can often see him opening up 1000 tabs, sending messages to others and doing anything else but the tasks given.
The 7 year old is wanting to learn, but struggles with:
(1) Being online and utilising the tools needed to complete the tasks
(2) Reading the instructions and knowing what it is that she needs to be doing
But half the battle is won as she is interested and engaged! She is able to be helped by my daughter and myself, so its easy.
Quality Time and Exercising: After the work is done and the chores are too, it is just so great to be able to connect with our bubble family. Spending time playing card games, baking, building huts and taking bike rides and walks around our community. That I can sit and be doing a Google Meet and also be spending time with my daughter and family is a real blessing.
On one of our recent walks we came across a few kittens that had obviously been abandoned and left in the tussocks on the new overpass they are building. I tried to get them to come to me but they were too scared. On our walk home I decided that I would go back and try to get them. I put some of our dog's wet food down and within 30 seconds I had captured the black one with my partners fishing net. The other two scarpered and I just couldn't manage to get the other two. I returned home and my partner then went out to get the remaining two. He successfully got them and then I proceeded to feed and clean them. They had obviously not had water for some time as they weren't sure what it was and the way one jumped back showed they were very hesitant.
My goal the next day was to nurture and care for them until I could re home two of them (which I did). The other one was to be a birthday present to myself! Pacey has fitted in well and is a regular attendee at our Class Meets! Before we knew it we were having 'Bring a Pet to Meet mornings'!
Pen and Paper
I read somewhere that in years to come, we will look back at this time in History and there will be things that will be amazing to read back on. So I have taken to pen and paper and encouraged my daughter to write with me most days about this moment in time. The time that we got to spend more time together as a family. The time where we exercised more and ate more! The time when all children learned at home and their parents and teachers were their teachers. The time when there was uncertainty around jobs and a regular income. The time when we would walk down the street and quickly change sides if we saw someone coming. The time where we were not allowed to be closer than 2 meters from strangers in the supermarket. The time when toilet rolls were stockpiled and baking powder was almost impossible to get!
I have encouraged my class to record a journal using pen and paper, so that they can then pass this journal on to their families, and on through generations. What a treasure to find a handwritten journal that documents this significant moment in time!
Here is an entry of a diary from a soldier on board His Majesty's New Zealand Transport Tahiti, during a period of pandemic influenza, July 10, 1918, through January 31, 1919. Will our journals be looked back on as this one is now?
Where to now? When we return to school and 'normality' kicks in.......
I think about the benefits that this lock down has achieved and how we can bring some of these good things into what we normally do. I find myself questioning:
How can we slow down and do less better?
How can we make sure that we are not scratching the surface trying to cover everything we do in a day?
How do we structure our day so that there is more independent choice and flexibility within our programmes?
How can I maintain the number of COB's (comment on blogs) I am currently doing on the children's blogs?
How do we keep parents and whanau as engaged and involved in their learning as we are right now, while not placing too much of a burden on them?
How can we incorporate more of the things that children have been doing during lock down at home, into the classroom- baking, building, spending quality time nurturing relationships with one another, etc. Life skills!
I received feedback from a couple of parents that are absolutely thriving in this environment and are loving what we are doing.
One said, "I just wanted to pat your back and say thanks for the work you're putting into the distance schooling. ***** is enjoying the daily contact and the early time makes it easy to get him up, fed and dressed.
Monday, April 20, 2020
Drawing Challenge- Yoda
I have a puppy called Yoda and so I decided to give drawing Yoda (the Star Wars character not puppy) a go.
What do you think..... next step colour?

I can not wait to see what my students darw! And to see their faces once they see my drawing!
All in a Day's Work
For your enjoyment........
Did you want to create a lock down dance with you and your family? The challenge is set!